The Way of Grace

 In the book of John, the eighth chapter, we find a story of scandal, intrigue, and freedom. A woman was brought to Jesus, caught in the very act of adultery.

Can you just imagine the scene, yanked from the room, grabbing for something to cover her  naked body...drug through the streets...and then tossed at the feet of Jesus by the Scribes and Pharisees, the Mafia of His day!

These religious, "law abiding", hit men were attempting to trap Jesus by posing a question that they thought would be difficult for Him to answer! They said, "Now Moses, in the Law says one such as her should be stoned. What do you say?"

Can't you see them? Arms crossed, gloating in their piety! And for the adulteress, the atmosphere was charged with fear...amidst shame and guilt she lay, crumpled, bruised and bleeding from being drug through the streets. The track of her tears, visible through the dust on her face, hair tousled, scantily clothed, her heart racing, confident that in the next moment she would hear the words that would end her life.

Jesus was never intimidated by the attempts to provoke Him! He said, "He who is without sin among you, throw the first rock at her!" Then, He bent down and began writing in the dirt! A hush fell over the crowd...One by one the Scribes and Pharisees walked away until there was no one but Jesus and the woman.

The people in the crowd wanted to condemn her! They wanted to see her pay for her sin...they wanted recompense for the transgression! They wanted to see her stoned...but...they could not! With the
absence of sin being the criteria for the right to participate in the execution, there remained no one that could condemn her! The only person in that crowd that had the right and authority to condemn her would not!

Eyes cast down, her body shaking in fear, she saw His feet and knew by the way they were positioned, He was bent down in front of her...then she felt it, the gentle touch... His life changing touch...His hand lifted her face and she looked up...gazing back at her was the look of unconditional love. He brushed the hair out of her eyes and used His garment to wipe the blood and tears from her face. Jesus smiled at her and said, "Woman...has no one condemned you?"

He spoke such words of grace to her because He loved her! In asking her the question, He gave her the opportunity to voice the words of "no condemnation" to herself! "No one condemns me Lord." (John 8:11)

Jesus not only demonstrated and spoke words of love to her, He gave her the gift of NO condemnation. "Neither do I condemn you, go and sin no more!" it was actually the gift of "no condemnation" that empowered her to "sin no more"!

Today, we have the gift of "no condemnation" because the Son of God was condemned for us...past, present, and future sin! There is therefore now no condemnation. Romans 8:1. For God to condemn us, He would be a liar...rather, He is Faithful to all that His Son has done! He honors the Blood that was poured out on the Mercy Seat, covering All sin, once and for all!

You may have been like that woman, caught in the very act of sin...the voice of those around you may have been calling out for recompense, justice, and retribution. You may have been drug through the street of public opinion, stripped of self-worth, clothed only in the scanty garments of shame and guilt...tossed in the dirt, shaking in fear...but wait...

We all come to that place the moment when we find ourselves face down in the dirt of our own sin...sobbing at the consideration of our's at that moment, alone...abandoned and rejected...expecting the death penalty, the death of dreams, hope, and's at that precise moment when we feel His touch. He reaches down, lifts your face, and as you look up, into those eyes of love and He smiles at you....oh the joy that floods your heart! Unconditional love...washes over your heart and floods your soul.

The words to the song " Alabaster Box", says it best..."don't be angry if I wash His feet with my tears and dry them with my hair. You weren't there the night He found me, you don't know what I felt when He wrapped His loving arms around me. And you don't know the cost of the oil in my Alabaster Box!"

Only you will ever know the cost of your praise...unfortunately, we hear the voice of people saying, "Go and sin no more first...THEN...I won't condemn you."  You may have even said this to yourself!

Condemnation, conditional love, and judgement are scandalous tools of the enemy...these are chains, intended to keep you in bondage to sin. They are shackles designed to keep the wearer from moving towards freedom. When you have been condemned, unconditional love is withheld, and judgment has been rendered, the stage has been set for sin to continue!

When, and only when, condemnation ceases, unconditional love is poured out, and the case is dismissed will the prison doors open, Your chains will fall off and you will be free, Free to, "sin no more."

Here is the key...Neither do I condemn you, unconditional love, and CASE DISMISSED can only come from Jesus! True freedom does not come from the forgiveness, acceptance, or approval of others. There is nothing that another person can do to clear your slate, clean your conscience, or change your course. It is a simple equation, the Blood plus nothing, the Blood minus nothing equals access to God. What can wash away my sin? What can make me whole again? Nothing but the Blood of Jesus!

As I mentioned before, only you can know the cost of your praise...accept the loving touch of Jesus, allow Him to wipe the tears of shame from your face, let Him lift you up and dust the torment and regret off. Allow Him to clothe you in His righteousness. You are a new person, a new creature, in Christ...old things are passed away and ALL THINGS ARE NEW!

When the devil tries to convince you that your life is over, your destiny destroyed, and all hope is gone...stop him dead in his tracks-remind him that the Blood of Jesus is against him. God does not condemn you because He already condemned Jesus, on the cross...2000 years ago...Boldly declare...I am Free, and who the Son sets free is free indeed!

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